Join us as we begin our new sermon series entitled "Heaven"! Learn about what the Bible truly says and reveals about Heaven, what we will be doing in Heaven, and what happens when we die! We will be debunking all the various misconceptions about this wonderful place God has prepared for His children!
Watch The Messages Below:
Enjoy these messages from our Sunday Worship Experience as Pastor Brandon offers an
in-depth understanding of Heaven through the Word of God!
Watch as Pastor Brandon addresses the popular question, "What happens when you die?" from a Biblical perspective!
Watch Pastor Brandon as he addresses the popular question, "What is Heaven like?" through an in-depth look into the Word of God!
Watch as members of our TCF Team share their insight and thoughts on the message series "Heaven" and how it is strengthening their walk with Jesus Christ!
Watch as Pastor Brandon concludes the message series entitled "Heaven" with answering the popular question, "What will we be doing in Heaven?"