DAY 1: Never Underestimate God’s Power Working Through You
(Ephesians 3:20-21)
What I find interesting about God is how He uses people to accomplish His plan on the earth. Sometimes I wonder why the Creator of the universe would even want to partner with His creation to fulfill His purposes in this world! Then I thought, why wouldn't He? All things were created for the glory of God, and when an individual is willing to submit to the Holy Spirit, God’s glory is on full display in a fallen world in a way that points unregenerated souls to Him. When you and I surrender and submit ourselves to divine partnership with God, then we can witness Him do amazing things through us that will exceed our expectations and limitations! The key to witnessing God do these things is genuinely believing that He can perform such acts through us! We often believe that He can and will do it for others, but not for our own selves. However, the moment this truth becomes a personal conviction, you will see God do exceedingly, abundantly, and above all that you could ever ask or think in your life!
DAY 2: Never Underestimate God’s Promises (Genesis 18:1-15)
Sometimes, God’s promises seem unbelievable because they exceed our finite thinking. In today’s reading, we see that Sarah laughed at the promise of conceiving and bearing a child because she was well advanced in age to even bear a child. This promise truly seemed absurd and unrealistic not only due to her age, but also her husband Abraham's old age. However, here's the thing about God: He transcends natural law and limitations as well as earthly thinking. There is nothing outside of the realm of possibility for Him! While Abraham and Sarah’s natural participation in this plan was required, God supernaturally blessed their union so that the two of them could produce what was naturally impossible! Remember that God is not a liar! Whatever He promised you will come to pass no matter how impossible it may seem! He will ensure that the promise is fulfilled if He is the one who truly gave it to you.
DAY 3: Never Underestimate God’s Wisdom (James 3:15-17)
As created beings, we often have a habit of thinking that we are wiser than the Creator. We often make the mistake of placing greater value on earthly wisdom than the wisdom of the uncreated God, who is infinite in wisdom. There are prominent differences between the wisdom of man and the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God is pure, peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, and unwavering without hypocrisy. In contrast, earthly wisdom is full of hypocrisy, arrogance, selfish ambition, and lies in opposition to the truth. When we undervalue the intelligence of God, we rob ourselves of the benefits His counsel provides us in all of life’s situations. His wisdom is worth listening and following simply because He is the mastermind of all creation!
DAY 4: Never Underestimate Your Opponent (I Peter 5:8-11)
The greatest danger the believer and follower of Jesus Christ can succumb to is underestimating their opponent! We must understand that Satan is our adversary. He is neither God’s foe nor rival. Our Scripture reading today reveals that our opponent prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to destroy! You must not be ignorant or naive of the fact that the devil is seeking to kill you! He specializes in deceptive and divisive tactics. Contrary to popular belief, Satan is not red, nor does he have horns. As the prince of the power of the air, he influences the airwaves with his agenda and directs his servants, the fallen angels, to do his bidding. He also disguises himself as an angel of light, which has caused many to fall prey to his deception. However, we as believers overcome the wiles of the devil through maintaining a sober mind, standing guard against his tactics, and resisting him in the midst of temptation. The one who empowers us to do all these things is the Holy Spirit! When you walk by the Spirit and with the Spirit daily, you will be able to see the attacks of the enemy coming and not be surprised!
DAY 5: Never Underestimate Faithfulness (Luke 16:10, 19:17)
In the kingdom of God, faithfulness does not go unnoticed or unrewarded. As we see in today's passages of Scripture, God rewards those who faithfully steward what He has placed in their possession. Being faithful is a test of obedience on how well you will stay committed to God and the things He has entrusted to you under His divine purpose. However, some fail to maximize the opportunity given to them because the particular task may seem insignificant, or what God is asking of them does not align with their own will. I want to encourage you with these reminders: What you are responsible for is not insignificant, and your diligence is not in vain! God sees you, and as you remain steadfast in faithfully stewarding what He has given you, He will then entrust you with much! Do not be weary in well-doing; God is not like your secular job! Faithfulness is always rewarded in His Kingdom!