Salvation is a gracious, undeserved gift freely given by God to those persons who consciously decide to place their faith in His Son, Jesus Christ! (cf. Ephesians 2:8)
What Am I Being Saved From?
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating from the tree of knowledge of good & evil in the Garden of Eden, sin entered into the world and corrupted it (cf. Genesis 3, Romans 5:12). As a result, every human being has been born with a sinful nature (cf. Psalm 51:5) and has sinned against God (cf. Romans 3:23). Sin also separates us from God, causing both spiritual and physical death (cf. Romans 6:23). Everyone who receives the gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ is saved from God’s ultimate judgment of sin (cf. Romans 5:9), possesses eternal life (cf. John 3:16), and is sealed with the permanent indwelling of the Holy Spirit (cf. Ephesians 1:13-14).
How Can I Receive Salvation?
Salvation cannot be bought or earned through any type of work or efforts to keep God’s Law (cf. Ephesians 2:9). In order to receive the gift of salvation, here’s what you must do: believe in the Lord Jesus Christ! (cf. Acts 16:31) Jesus’ blood-shedding sacrifice on the cross paid for all our sins: past, present and future! As a result, He made salvation available to all men! (cf. Titus 2:11) All you have to do is openly confess that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, and you will be saved! (cf. Romans 10:9)
Who Can Receive Salvation?
The gift of salvation is offered to EVERYONE! In fact, it is God’s desire that all men accept the gift of salvation. (cf. I Timothy 2:4)! However, each individual must decide whether they are going to accept or reject this gracious gift from God!
When Can I Receive Salvation?
As long as you are breathing, you and others can receive the gift of salvation by believing on the name of Jesus by faith and accepting Him as Lord and Savior of your lives! Don’t wait another minute! Receive this gracious gift TODAY!
Receive Salvation By Faith & Pray:
"Lord Jesus, I confess that I am a sinner in need of a Savior! Please forgive me! I believe that You died on the cross for my sins, was buried, and rose again! I confess that You are Lord, and now Lord over my life! Please, come into my life and empower me to live for You for the rest of my life! In the name of Jesus,
I pray, Amen."

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