This Week's Scripture & Reflection: James 1:5-8
For many people, asking for help is a major struggle. At the root of this struggle may be pride, shame, a fear of "burdening" someone else with our request(s), or a combination of all three. A major contributing factor to this struggle is the false perception surrounding the notion of asking for help; it is often mistakenly perceived as a sign of weakness, even more so is admitting to a lack of knowledge in a certain area or subject. Simply put, we refrain from asking for help because we do not want to be perceived as insufficient in and of our own selves.
James, the brother of Jesus and leader of the Jerusalem church, offers us a simple yet profound directive as it pertains to seeking help while in lack: "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him." This area that so many of us wrestle with can truly become less burdensome the more we ask and seek the One who possesses infinite wisdom: God Almighty (cf. Romans 11:33)! We are limited in our knowledge and understanding, but God is not! He is ready and more than willing to impart into us the wisdom we need to make wise, righteous, and godly decisions.
But we cannot just simply ask for wisdom: We must "ask in faith without any doubting...". How shameful is it when God's own children ask Him for wisdom and then do not expect, or more importantly, do not anticipate Him granting the wisdom we requested? Surely it is futile to approach the throne of the infinitely wise God and ask for wisdom without faith to believe that He will actually give it to you. God generously supplies wisdom and without rebuke for doing so, yet we remain hesitant to not only ask, but also to receive it from Him.
As you move throughout this week, lay aside your pride and ask God for what you know you alone do not possess. Lay aside that false sense of shame associated with asking for help and boast in the fact that you do not know it all but that you serve a God who does (cf. II Corinthians 12:9-10)! Lay aside your doubt, believe God to grant you the wisdom you need, and anticipate His response (cf. Habakkuk 2:1)! If it is wisdom you need and desire, it is wisdom you will receive!